Friday, March 20, 2009

Budget Deficits...

In another note--while I've been very supportive of Obama, and definitely am enjoying his reinstatement of scientific input into policy, I'm quite concerned about his ability to budget. As a regular humble resident of main street, the wife and I have had to work hard to get within a budget, however, it seems that the federal government isn't quite as constrained. While it seems reasonable that some deficit spending might be needed, I get a bit worried about $2.3 trillion errors in estimates. As a future economic driver (I hope), it worries me to think about the tax rates that will be placed on my income to service these types of deficits, let alone pay them down a bit. It doesn't seem so unreasonable to me that the federal governement might face some of the same problems as the state of Califorina did if they continue to spend like this. Anyway, back to work--I mean Tournament--I mean work.

Good days in the lab...

While lab work can be frustrating and tedious... sure is nice that you have incredible flexibility in your hours and work schedule. It is especially nice during the weekend of the first couple rounds of the NCAA Tournament! Definitely enjoying watching... er, following... some of the games. Oh wait, I mean, I've been rocking out on a lot of important computer work--getting my constructs in order and what not. : P You have to enjoy the perks, especially if you're going to put up with all the crap that being a molecular and cellular biology grad student incur. Also, finding interesting things that help your research while reading papers on add breaks that you wouldn't normally take time to read is totally awesome!